
Laura Vidusek is the head trainer and co-owner at TopLine, and is dedicated to producing successful riders and horses in the hunter, equitation, and jumper rings that are competitive at local and regional shows. She is dedicated to supporting students and horses with the training necessary to bring out their greatest potential. Whether you are a beginner, an amateur who just wants to improve their skill level or a competitor who seeks success in the show ring, Laura will design a custom program to achieve your goals.

For over 30 years, Laura has competed hunters and jumpers successfully at all levels, from schooling to “A” shows, including the NIHJA circuit. Laura grew up in Glen Ellyn, and was the lone horse lover in her family. She began riding lessons at the age of 6, bought her first horse at 16 and never looked back. Through out her career Laura has believed in cross-training, with basics grounded in dressage. She has had the opportunity to learn from well known trainers including Michael Page, Bill Hoos, Stuart Black and others.